New Research aims to recover more flexible packaging

    Resource Recycling systems, out of Ann Arbor, MI has focused their efforts on new research aimed at improving the material recovery technology. The research will look into a more efficient way to recover flexible packaging, including reseable food packages, pouches for soup, crackers and tuna, pet food bags, and snack bags for recycling. Resource Recycling Solutions has developed the test methodology that will run various flexible packaging in single stream recycling through existing sorting technologies then measure the amount captured to determine the effectiveness of the technology. This sorting technology is critical when uncovering the flexible packaging loop, what happens in the MRF that is not picking up on various kinds of packaging? This research aims to discover the answer to that question through the use of optical scanners and screens that will capture that data.


    Material recovery is a hot topic in flexible packaging and many companies have come together to create an alliance called Materials Recovery for the Future. This new alliance trade group includes companies, manufacturers, trade groups, and packaging industry professionals. All with the common goal of collecting data from the research that will help learn how to recover and divert more valuable resins from landfills.


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    Source: Waste Dive

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