CDF’s green operations

    Our goal is to eliminate unnecessary waste. As a company, it is our mission to reduce, reuse and recycle.

    CDF’s Plant Green program recycles over 150,000 lbs of cardboard product and over 25,000 lbs of co-mingled material annually. We are also recycling 98% of excess packaging received from suppliers. The Plastic Regrind Program is a longstanding initiative that has allowed us to recycle over 3 million lbs of internally generated plastic per year.

    As a company we have decreased our energy consumption by changing to 100% high-efficiency lighting and installing energy efficient air compression systems used throughout our manufacturing facility, resulting in significantly reduced HVAC usage. We have also invested in an energy transfer system to distribute heat from manufacturing to other parts of the production facility. Our investment in energy-efficient machinery that has lead us to produce better quality products and contributed to annual energy savings of 70% over previous equipment.

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