Consumer Trends Shaking up the Packaging Industry

    Here are the current consumer packaging trends you need to know about to maximize the potential of your product’s packaging.


    Consumers are busy and are looking for packaging that is easy to use and take on the go. Smaller, lighter weight and easily disposed packaging make consumption on the go easier.


    Consumers today are more aware of global environmental issues and are changing their purchasing habits to be eco-friendlier. An example of this would be consumers seeking out packaging with semiotic signs to support green manufacturers.

    Cost-effective shopping

    There is a rising trend in consumers making purchases when they are running out of a product, rather than buying product in bulk, which had been the norm. Packaging that is smaller and easier to carry is ideal for these shoppers.

    Healthy & Wellness

    The health and wellness market is thriving. Consumers expect the packaging to clearly list the health credentials of the product, so consumers can quickly make an informed decision. Packaging should focus on unique benefits, such as natural ingredients. Innovative methods of displaying and preserving fresh food will be key for short term and long term success.

    Authenticity and Trust

    As a consequence of the numerous global food scandals, such as the discovery of horsemeat in beef burgers in Europe, pink slime in the U.S. and tainted milk in China, consumers are demanding transparency from food manufacturers. Product origins need to be traceable back to the supplier.

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